Thursday, February 1, 2007

 Life has been pretty mundane lately with school work, and church taking up most of our time. CP is in a cell group that meets every other week, I am looking for a good fit for one for me and Jesse is in youth group on Wed. Last night they had a big bonfire and he came home happily smelling of smoke and full of s'mores.
I have been working on a fraktur of tall trees and the challenge CP will have to make the frame will be something else.
Last weekend I went on a retreat (Encounter Weekend) with 11 other ladies from my church to a great place in the mountains 2 miles from West Virginia. I never did make it over the state line because the morning we left we had 6 inches of snow on the ground and figured we better head out. It was a great time of introspective "God time" and we learned a lot. The following weekend CP went on his own weekend with 13 other guys and really loved it.
Jesse is busy lately trying to make friends at youth group and that is going well. He loves it and they are really welcoming at this church. We are happy there.
So life crawls here at a slow pace but steady and we are making our way in a new state little by little. We moved to Virginia from Vermont one year ago in Dec 05. It takes time to make friends and find your way but we are willing to make the trip slow as it is.
We don't mind the change in the weather and living near one of our adult children and her family has been a great blessing. Seeing them often and worshipping together is a drem come true for us. It means a far distance from our son and his family and that is always hard especially as our little grandsons grow by leaps and bounds everyday but our dil is really great about writing and sending photos and keeping us up to date.
We hope to make a trip to New England (Jess and I) this spring and catch up on seeing our families. We miss them all a lot.
Life here is good and we are grateful but it has a price.
CP loves his new job and it is going well. He is enjoying upgrading his wardrobe and attending meetings and getting involved in the community so he is making connections in his new home, too. His life in cell group is developing and he loves the guys he is with.
We both made some good friends on our retrea